Part 105: Post Twin Towers NPC Chatter
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Once you return from the Twin Towers, a few Gumbo NPCs have new things to say.

: With his head in the clouds like that, I was sure you were gonna sink.

: But when he is with Naina, he gets all mushy. And we had such trouble at the tower.

: I guess men get all mushy when with a woman. You'll understand sometime. That Danda has become so happy. I wonder if happiness will suddenly fall out of the sky for me, too.
She sure is getting desperate.

: Well... I don't know.

: But now it's Ms. Feena. It's only you. You are my hot spring!

: Your hot spring!?

: If I lose you, my heart will turn cold! So come! Come into my heart! Love is painful to think about. Passion blazes brightly. Oh Ms. Feena! Set off the fireworks of passion with me!
The sad part is, he's still the least-creepy motherfucker in the village. I would say "burn this cursed place to the ground", but I think that the volcano will take care of that for us.
You know who'll cheer me up? Bad Pun Guy.

: He didn't have the guts!

: ...

: Who's the pundit making all these puns? How about that?

: Justin?

: Well, probably no one can match my humor! Ha ha ha.
And, with that, we bid farewell to Bad Pun Guy forever. Goodnight, sweet prince, and may flights of angels sing you to your rest.

: Thanks to the hot spring returning, I will be going in everyday. Everyday, all of the time. It makes me feel young, like I'm 20. I can still beat the young ones. I've still got some moves left in me!
I, uh... I don't think it works that way.

: No, even if you see it that way, to become the Brave Couple takes an effort like spilling blood.

: No it doesn't!

Spilling blood takes no effort at all.

: But now the water is boiling hot and so we still can't swim. Too bad. I really enjoyed that hot spring pool.

: The ocean is nearby. How about filling half the pool with ocean water so the temperature drops?
Sure beats knocking a giant sentient ice cube off a cloud into the pool.

: Ah! Good idea! Carry water.... Wait a second. It'd just be easier to go swim in the ocean. Forget about the hot spring pool.

: What? Cross the Sea of Mermaids? That's the one thing you had better give up on!

: Heh heh. Actually, we may not go by boat. We must return to Dight to ask the best method.

: What? In Dight they can cross the Sea of Mermaids without a boat? So there is such a method!

: Things will get even livelier in summer next year with the sound of children crying.

: Huh? The sound of children crying? What do you mean?

: That's the way it is!

: So this village will get even livelier, will it? That's incredible.

: Ribbidy ribbit ribbit♪ Ribbidy ribbit ribbit♪

: It has yet to make it to broadway, but you can read it if you like. Let me know what you think.

: Let's see... a couple in love are carried away by a wicked dragon. A hero from another land appears.

: The hero fights the dragon in order to rescue the couple. Yes, so far, so good.

: But, what's this betrayal part? While the hero is being eater, the couple escapes and lives happily. Justin, the hero from afar... your bravery will never be forgotten.

: Yikes! I get eaten alive!?

: Oh, come on! No way am I going to get eaten!

: I mixed in a little tragedy. But it does mean that no one will forget you, Justin.

: Stop doing dangerous things, sweetheart.

: Look kid, why don't you start acting like your real age!

: Kid? Love has nothing to do with age, sweetheart.

: Naturally. We won't quit until we are delivered to Alent!

: Hmm. If you come to Gumbo and visit here again, we'll give you a great welcome. You are the hottest couple in Gumbo and we will tell your story forever.
Whew. Almost done; just one more plot event that changes a few NPCs. And then we can be done with Gumbo forever.
Next time: Back to Dight!